Jérôme Belleman
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How to Read and Write MySQL Blobs

5 Jul 2009

While we're normally tempted to only store textual data into databases, it can come in handy to also store binary data. This is what MySQL refers to as blobs.

1 From the MySQL Command-Line Tool

The MySQL command-line tool makes it easy to have a first taste of working with blobs using databases. It all happens with the LOAD_FILE() function:

UPDATE tbl_name SET blob_column=LOAD_FILE('/tmp/picture') WHERE id=1;

2 From a Java Application

The general idea is to create the whole tuple without the blob and add the blob manually next. Basically, to add the blob you first get a dummy one from the DB, edit it, and send it back (i.e. update it). Don't forget that you count from 1 to n in the MySQL Connector world.

  1. Create the tuple you want to add the blob to. Make sure the blob's attribute is not null (e.g. you may put a dummy string on the fly).
  2. Get a binary form of the data you want to store. This is normally easy, since this data comes from a file:

    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(dataFile));

    ... where dataFile is a File. Since we'll copy the binary data into an array supplied as argument, let's make some room in this array:

    byte[] data = new byte[(int) dataFile.length()];

    You may then read the file and copy its contents into your array:

  3. Get the dummy blob from the tuple you added, using the usual procedure:

    ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT blob FROM table WHERE condition = true");
    Blob blob = resultSet.getBlob(1);
    ... where statement is a valid statement.
  4. Edit the blob:

    blob.setBytes(1, data);
  5. Create a prepared-statement, that is, an incomplete update query you which you'll finish off by using Java methods connected to it:

    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement("UPDATE table SET blob = ? WHERE condition = true");

    ... where connection is valid. Set the update value:

    ps.setBlob(1, blob);

    ... and flush everything up:


Bear in mind that most of these instructions need their SQLException to be caught; you'd better wrap it all up in one try block.

3 References